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Uncover the Secret to How Long a Helix Mattress Takes to Expand – Get the Answers Here!

» Mattresses » Mattress Construction » Uncover the Secret to How Long a Helix Mattress Takes to Expand – Get the Answers Here!

Are you wondering how long it takes for your Helix Mattress to fully expand? If so, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll discuss the different factors that can affect the timeline for your Helix Mattress to expand and be ready for use. We’ll also provide tips for getting the most out of your Helix Mattress once it’s expanded, so you can enjoy a perfect night’s sleep. So, if you’re curious about how long it takes for a Helix Mattress to fully expand, read on and discover the answer!

What is a Helix Mattress?

What Is A Helix Mattress?

A Helix mattress is a custom-made mattress designed to provide personalized comfort and support for each individual sleeper. It is made with a combination of foam layers, springs, and latex, and has a wide variety of customization options to choose from. The mattress is designed to be comfortable, supportive, and durable, and is available in several sizes and firmness levels.

The Helix mattress is unique in that it offers a personalized solution to sleepers. Customers can take a sleep quiz to identify their preferences and then customize their mattress based on the results. The mattress can be tailored to meet individual needs, such as back support, temperature control, and motion isolation. Helix also offers a range of mattress accessories, such as mattress toppers and pillows, to further enhance the comfort and support of the mattress.

How to Open Helix Mattress

  • Unwrap the mattress from its box and lay it flat on the floor.
  • Cut away the plastic wrapping and the protective top layer.
  • Gently push down on the mattress and allow it to expand for about 15 minutes.
  • Once the mattress has expanded, allow it to settle for 24-48 hours before sleeping on it.

How to Open a Helix Mattress

How To Open A Helix Mattress

Step Instruction
1 Remove the Helix mattress from the box and place it on a flat surface.
2 Carefully cut the protective plastic wrap along the edges of the mattress.
3 Using both hands, slowly pull the plastic wrap away from the mattress.
4 Once the plastic wrap is removed, discard it.
5 Carefully unroll the mattress onto the bed frame.
6 Allow the mattress to settle, expand and decompress.

Your new Helix mattress is now ready to use! Allow the mattress to settle and decompress for the full period of time recommended by the manufacturer to ensure optimal comfort.

How Long Does a Helix Mattress Take to Expand?

How Long Does A Helix Mattress Take To Expand?

Once you have your brand new Helix Mattress, you might be wondering just how long it takes to expand and be ready to sleep on. The good news is that it doesn’t take long at all! Here are some interesting facts about how long it takes for your Helix Mattress to expand:

  • The Helix Mattress is designed to expand quickly. The mattress will be ready to sleep on within minutes of unboxing. Most people report that it has fully expanded within an hour after unboxing.
  • The Helix Mattress usually reaches its full size within 24 hours. The mattress will expand to its full size and shape within 24 hours of unboxing. Most people report that their mattress is ready to sleep on the same day.
  • The Helix Mattress will reach its full comfort level within 48 hours. The mattress needs time to adjust to your body and the temperature in your room. After 48 hours, the mattress will be fully comfortable and you can enjoy a great night’s sleep.
  • It’s important to give the Helix Mattress time to adjust. Don’t be tempted to jump on the mattress before it has had time to fully expand and adjust. This could damage the mattress and reduce its lifespan.

So there you have it: the Helix Mattress is designed to fully expand quickly, and you can be sure that it will be ready to sleep on within 24 hours. After 48 hours, it will reach its full comfort level and you can enjoy a great night’s sleep.

Factors Affecting Expansion Time

Factors Affecting Expansion Time


The temperature in the room where your Helix mattress is expanding can affect the length of time it takes for the mattress to reach its full size. Warmer temperatures can cause the mattress to expand faster, while cooler temperatures may cause the mattress to expand more slowly.

Room Size

The size of the room where the mattress is expanding can also influence how long it takes for the mattress to reach its full size. If the room is larger, the mattress may take longer to fully expand, while a smaller room may allow the mattress to expand more quickly.


The type of packaging that the mattress comes in can also affect the expansion time. If the mattress is compressed in a box, it may take slightly longer to fully expand than if it were rolled up and placed in a bag.

Additional Tips for Expanding a Helix Mattress

Additional Tips For Expanding A Helix Mattress

Unpack Carefully: Unpacking your Helix mattress is an important step in the expansion process. Make sure to remove the mattress from its box or packaging and unroll it carefully. Doing so will prevent the mattress from becoming damaged or misshapen.

Unroll Immediately: It’s best to unroll your Helix mattress as soon as you can. This will allow the mattress to begin expanding as soon as possible.

Remove All Plastic: After unrolling your Helix mattress, be sure to remove all the plastic that is covering it. This plastic is designed to protect the mattress during shipping, and should be removed before the mattress is left to expand.

Position the Mattress: Once the mattress has been unrolled and all plastic has been removed, you should position it on a flat, even surface. Placing it on a flat surface will help the mattress expand properly and evenly.

Allow Time to Expand: After the mattress is positioned, leave it alone for at least 24-48 hours. This will give the mattress time to expand fully.

Rotate the Mattress: After the mattress has been left to expand, you should rotate it 180 degrees. This will help the mattress expand evenly and will also prevent any sagging or misshapen areas.

Check Firmness: After the mattress has been left to expand, you should check its firmness. If it is not as firm as you would like, you can place something heavy on it to help it expand further.

Add Air: If your Helix mattress has an air chamber, you may need to add air to it to ensure that it is properly inflated.

Use a Mattress Topper: To add extra comfort to your Helix mattress, you can use a mattress topper. This can help the mattress feel softer and provide more cushioning.

Best Practices for Unpacking a Helix Mattress

Best Practices For Unpacking A Helix Mattress

When unboxing a Helix mattress, follow these best practices for a smooth and easy setup:

  • Remove the mattress from its box and wrap and place it on the floor or bed frame.
  • Carefully cut the plastic wrap and remove it from the mattress.
  • The mattress should start to expand and take shape.
  • Rotate or adjust the mattress until it has fully expanded.
  • Make sure the mattress is in the correct position on the bed frame before using.

Note: Do not jump, stand or sit on the mattress until it is fully expanded and positioned correctly.

Helping the Mattress Reach Its Full Expansion

When you receive your Helix Mattress, it will be compressed and rolled into a box. To help it reach its full expansion, here are some tips:

1. Unboxing: Carefully remove the mattress from its box and plastic wrap. Make sure to cut the plastic down the side to avoid damaging the mattress.

2. Placement: Place the mattress on a flat surface and let it expand for about 24 hours. Make sure that the mattress is free of any obstructions and away from direct sunlight.

3. Allow Expansion: Allow the mattress to expand in a well ventilated area, as this will help speed up the process.

4. Rotate the Mattress: Rotate the mattress every few hours throughout the day. This will help the mattress reach its full expansion.

5. Monitor Progress: Monitor the expansion process and check for any areas that are not expanding fully. If necessary, use a vacuum cleaner to help with further expansion.

6. Sleeping: After the mattress has reached its full expansion, you can start sleeping on it.

Once you’ve followed these steps, your Helix Mattress should be fully expanded and ready for use.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for the Helix Mattress to be ready for use?

The Helix Mattress is designed to be ready for use within 10 minutes of unboxing. After unboxing, the mattress should be placed on a flat, solid surface and allowed to expand for at least 10 minutes before using. In some cases, it may take up to 48 hours for the mattress to completely expand and reach its full comfort level.

What is the Process for Allowing the Helix Mattress to Fully Expand?

Unbox the mattress, remove all packaging and plastic wrap. Place the mattress on a flat surface, preferably on a bed frame or box spring. Allow the mattress to expand for up to 48 hours, allowing it to fully expand and reach its intended shape. Make sure the mattress is not in direct sunlight or near a heating source, as this can cause the mattress to expand unevenly. Once the mattress has fully expanded, enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

Are There Any Steps I Should Take Before Using the Mattress?

  • Check the Expansion Time: Before using your Helix mattress, ensure that it has fully expanded. Depending on the temperature and humidity, this may take up to 72 hours.
  • Inspect the Mattress for Damage: Carefully inspect the mattress for any signs of damage before using it. If you find any, contact the Helix customer service team for assistance.
  • Air Out the Mattress: It’s a good idea to air out your mattress for a few hours before lying on it. This will help to reduce any potential odor and help the mattress settle.

Is there any way to speed up the expansion process?

Yes! Here are a few tips and tricks to help speed up the expansion process of your Helix Mattress:

  • Unwrap your mattress immediately – Once you receive your Helix Mattress, make sure to take it out of its packaging as soon as possible. This will help the mattress to expand more quickly.
  • Give it some air – Place your mattress in a well-ventilated area and let it air out for a few hours. This will help to speed up the expansion process.
  • Flip it over – Flipping your mattress over will help to distribute the fill evenly and speed up the expansion process.
  • Warm it up – Placing a hot water bottle or heating pad on the mattress can help to warm it up and speed up the expansion process.

By following these tips, you can help your Helix Mattress to expand more quickly and be ready to use in no time!

Are there any special instructions that should be followed when opening the Helix Mattress?

Yes. When your Helix Mattress arrives, it is important to follow the special instructions when unpacking and opening the mattress. These instructions will ensure your mattress is properly set up and enjoys a long life.

  • Remove the mattress from the box and place it on the bed frame or floor.
  • The mattress will be tightly rolled up and vacuum-sealed. Carefully cut the plastic packaging with a pair of scissors.
  • Allow the mattress to expand in an open area away from walls and furniture.
  • It may take up to 72 hours for the mattress to fully expand.

It is important that you do not jump or lay on the mattress while it is expanding, as this could cause damage to the mattress. After the mattress is fully expanded, it is ready to use.


The Helix mattress takes up to 48 hours to fully expand. During this time, it will gradually expand and fluff up, becoming more comfortable and ready to sleep on. For best results, ensure the mattress is in a room temperature environment and regularly check the mattress to make sure it is fully expanded.


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