My name is Catherine Rodgers. I am a certified therapist. The area of my study includes sleep medicine as well. I’ve chosen this field of research not by chance. For years I’ve suffered from insomnia, and have been trying various medicines, including sleeping techniques, natural remedies, and even hypnosis. According to my observations, the quality of sleep depends on numerous external and internal factors that may seem irrelevant at first sight.
After retirement, I decided to start this blog. My main goal is to help people who suffer from insomnia, people who are ready to change their whole lifestyle to get a healthy sleep. If you are one of them, here you will find plenty of useful information about healthy sleeping routines: from bed linens and earplugs to herbal teas and breathing techniques.
In 2010, The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine surveyed 4188 employees from 4 different corporations about their sleeping habits. It appeared that workers who slept less than 7 hours a day showed poor results compared to those who had regular good night sleep. According to the study, poor sleep cost the company $1,967 per worker a year. Scientists concluded that companies should pay attention to the sleeping habits of their employees if they want to increase productivity.
Your health starts with a night of good sleep. While everyone has their personal sleeping needs, healthy rest is a top priority for all of us. The amount of time we require for sleep changes with age. Infants and toddlers need a good long-lasting sleep most of all, children of preschool and school-age also need to get enough sleep to stay active during the day. Pre-teens and teenagers have to sleep at least 10 hours a day. Adults should spend in bed between seven and nine hours.
People with insomnia experience such problems as:
- low productivity;
- irritability;
- memory problems;
- reduced physical activity;
- increased obesity risk and various metabolic problems, such as diabetes.
On the other hand, the benefits of sleep are obvious:
- increased attentiveness;
- reduced effect of everyday stress;
- improved mood;
- healthy weight is easier to achieve;
- revitalization.
Healthy sleep requires numerous rituals may seem too casual for many people to pay proper attention to them. It is necessary to sleep in a warm, dry, quiet, darkened room, on a comfortable, properly picked mattress. Before going to bed, it is a good idea to do simple soothing procedures, for example, to take a warm shower, read a book that pleases you. Your pillow and blanket must be of a good quality and suitable for your body. Some of us develop our sleeping rituals based on our experience, conditions, analysis of sensations and well-being. My job here is to offer you various options of such rituals so that you could find the ones that suit you.