How to Get Rid of Bad Smell From Blankets: Full Guide

bad smell from blankets woman
» Blankets Guides » How to Get Rid of Bad Smell From Blankets: Full Guide

Sources of bad smells from blankets can come from a variety of sources, including sweat, body oils, spilled liquids, and pets. Bad smells are not only unpleasant but also difficult to get rid of.
If you want to know how to get rid of the bad smell from blankets, you need to read this article.

How to Get Smell Out of Blanket?
If your blanket has an unpleasant smell, there are several ways to get rid of it.
If the blanket is machine washable without any restrictions, washing it in hot water with a strong detergent will usually remove the odor.
But most blankets can only be washed in cold or warm water with a mild detergent. In that case, you can try spot cleaning with a solution of white vinegar: 1/3 cup white vinegar and 2/3 water.
Another option is to soak the blanket in a tub of water with a cup of baking soda dissolved in it. After the blanket has soaked for 10-15 minutes (you may need a little more), rinse it well, and air dry it.

Methods to Get Rid of Unpleasant Odors

white baking soda

There are many ways to get rid of unpleasant odors, and the choice of method depends on the type of odor you are trying to eliminate.
You can try natural methods, such as vinegar or baking soda. You can also try using store-bought odor removers.

If the blankets smell after washing, you may be taking the wrong amount of laundry detergent or the washing machine has been in need of cleaning for a long time.

White or apple cider vinegar

If your blanket smells musty or has developed mildew, don’t despair. There are a few simple methods you can use to get rid of the odor.
One way to remove the smell is to wash the blanket in a washing machine using warm water and white vinegar. Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the washing machine along with the detergent you normally use.

Another option is to soak the blanket in a mixture of 1 part white vinegar to 4 parts water for 15-20 minutes. Then, wash the blanket in the washing machine using warm water and your regular laundry detergent.

If you don’t want to use white vinegar, you can try soaking the blanket in a mixture of 1 part apple cider vinegar to 4 parts water for 15-20 minutes. Then, wash the blanket in the washing machine using warm water and your regular laundry detergent.

Hydrogen peroxide


If your blanket has acquired a musty odor, you can try using hydrogen peroxide to remove it. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural disinfectant and can help break down the molecules that cause odor. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide, one part baking soda, and six parts water in a bowl.
  2. Stir well because if the hydrogen peroxide gets directly on the blanket fabric, it can lose color.
  3. Soak a clean cloth in the mixture and wring it out, so it’s wet but not dripping.
  4. Wipe the cloth over the smelly areas of the blanket.
  5. Leave the mixture on the blanket for at least an hour, then wash it as usual.

Baking or washing soda

If you want to remove odor from your blanket with baking soda or washing soda, use one of these two methods.

Baking soda

  1. Fill the sink or bathtub with enough warm water to completely submerge the blanket.
  2. Add 1 cup of baking soda for every 2 gallons of water (i.e., if using a sink, add 1/2 cup of baking soda)
  3. Stir the water to help the baking soda dissolve.
  4. Wet the blanket in the solution for 30 minutes
  5. Rinse the blanket with clean water and hang it outside to dry.

Washing soda

  1. Fill the sink or tub with enough warm water to completely submerge the quilt.
  2. Add 1/2 cup washing soda for every 2 gallons of water (i.e., if you are using a sink, add 1/4 cup washing soda)
  3. Stir the water to dissolve the baking soda.
  4. Wet the quilt in the solution for 30 minutes
  5. Rinse the blanket with clean water and hang it outside to dry.

Disinfect your washing machine regularly

apple vinegar label

If you want to get rid of the smell in your blanket, you will need to disinfect your washing machine regularly. This can be done with a solution of water and white or apple vinegar.

Simply mix 1 part vinegar with 2.5 parts water and put it in a spray bottle. Then, use this solution to wipe down the inside of your washing machine, including the drum, door, and gasket.

Doing this once a week will help to keep your machine clean and free of smells.

Add the right amount of laundry detergent when washing clothes

Adding the right amount of laundry detergent is important when trying to get the smell out of the blanket. If too much detergent is used, it can leave a residue on the blanket that will attract dirt and make it more difficult to clean. If not enough detergent is used, the blanket may not come clean, and the smell will remain.

The best way to determine the right amount of laundry detergent to use is to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the bottle.

How to Get Pee Smell Out of Blankets: Step-By-Step Instruction

If you have a pet that likes to sleep on your bed, or if you just had an accident, you don’t have to worry about how to get the urine smell out of your quilt. With a few simple household ingredients, you can remove the urine smell, and your blanket will smell fresh and clean again.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get rid of the urine smell from your blanket.

yellow blanket in water

Step 1. You need to mix two cups of white vinegar with one gallon of water.

Step 2. Then completely immerse the blanket in the vinegar and water solution.

Step 3. Leave the blanket overnight to allow the vinegar to break down the enzymes and proteins of the urine.

Step 4. The next day, remove the quilt from the solution and wash it in the washing machine.

Step 5. Once the blanket is clean, dry it completely.

By following these simple steps, you will be able to remove the smell of urine from your blanket, and it will smell fresh and clean again.

How to Get Dog Smell Out of Blankets?

Here are three possible solutions:

  1. Put a mixture of 3 parts water and 1 part white vinegar on the blanket and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash as usual.
  2. Add a cup of vinegar to the washing machine and run a gentle cycle with either laundry detergent or just warm water.
  3. Soak the blanket in white vinegar before washing.

The best way to get the dog smell out of blankets is to use a combination of baking soda and vinegar:

  1. First, sprinkle the blanket with baking soda and let it sit for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Then, vacuum it up.
  3. Next, soak the blanket in a vinegar and water solution (1 part white vinegar to 4 parts water) for 10 minutes.
  4. Finally, wash the blanket in your washing machine.

How to Remove Smell From a Blanket Without Washing?

It’s not uncommon for blankets to develop an unpleasant odor over time, especially if you don’t wash them regularly. The good news is that there are a few simple steps you can take to remove the smell from your blanket without washing it.

cabel with blanket

First, try airing out your blanket by hanging it outside on a clothesline or on a chair. If the weather is not conducive to airing, you can also try placing the blanket in a well-ventilated room for several hours.

If the smell persists, you can try removing it with a solution of 250 ml of warm water and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apply the solution to the product with a sponge or cloth and leave it to dry completely.

If you still can’t remove the odor, you may need to wash the blanket. Be sure to use a gentle detergent and avoid using fabric softener, as this can aggravate the odor.

What to Do if You Can’t Get Rid of the Bad Smell?

An unpleasant odor is one of the most common problems when it comes to blankets, and it can be hard to get rid of. If there is no way you can get rid of the unpleasant smell of your blankets, here are a few ways you can try.

Wash your blankets in hot water unless prohibited by the manufacturer. This will kill any bacteria or fungi that may be causing the bad smell.

Add a cup of white vinegar to the drum when the machine reaches the last rinse cycle. This will help neutralize any odors.

Hang the blankets outside to air them out. This will help freshen them and get rid of any stale odors.

Try using a fabric freshener. This will help neutralize any odors and make your blankets look fresh and clean.

If you still can’t get rid of the bad odor, you may need to have your blankets professionally cleaned.

Additional Tips


Bad smells are often the result of poor hygiene or incorrect laundry practices. Blankets, in particular, can harbor a number of unpleasant smells if they are not cleaned and stored properly. Here are some tips to help you get rid of the bad smell of blankets and keep them smelling fresh and clean.

Wash your blankets regularly. Depending on how often they are used, blankets should be washed every one to two months. Use a mild detergent and wash on a gentle cycle.

Dry your blankets completely. Wet blankets are a breeding ground for mold and mildew, which can cause them to smell musty. Be sure to dry your blankets completely after washing, either in the dryer on a low setting or by air-drying them.

Store your blankets in a dry, cool place. Once your blankets are clean and dry, be sure to store them in a dry, cool place. Avoid storing them in a damp basement or any other area where they may be exposed to moisture.

Use a blanket protector. A blanket protector is a great way to keep your blankets clean and free of odor-causing bacteria. These covers are typically made of a breathable fabric like cotton or linen and can be washed along with your blankets.

Add a few drops of essential oil. Adding a few drops of essential oil to your blankets before storing them can help keep them smelling fresh. Try using a refreshing scent like lavender or lemon.

By following these tips, you can help keep your blankets smelling fresh and clean.


Does it matter if my blanket smelled bad?

table with blankets

It depends on the severity of the smell. If it is a light smell, it may not bother some people, but if it is a strong smell, it could be a problem for some.

How to make a blanket smell good?

There are a few things you can do to make a blanket smell good.
Wash it regularly. This will help to remove any build-up of dirt and sweat that can cause a blanket to smell.
Use a fabric freshener. Fabric fresheners can help to mask any odors that are present.

Store it in a cool, dry place. If a blanket is stored in a humid or warm environment, it is more likely to develop musty smells.

How to get the musty smell out of blankets?

If we’re talking about clean blankets with a musty odor, here are some tips.
Wash them in water and vinegar. This will help kill the bacteria that may be causing the musty smell.
Air them outside in the fresh air, avoiding direct sunlight.

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Unpleasant odors in blankets can be caused by a number of things, including sweat, body oils, spilled liquids, and pet urine. Getting rid of bad smells from blankets is important for several reasons.

First, unpleasant odors can be uncomfortable for you and your guests. Second, unpleasant odors can cause your blankets to go bad faster.

There are several ways to get rid of unpleasant odors, including washing blankets using vinegar and baking soda.
If you still have questions about getting rid of the bad smell from your blankets, leave them below in the comments.


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