How to Get Slime Out of a Blanket: Step-by-Step Guide

slime on hands
» Blankets » How to Get Slime Out of a Blanket: Step-by-Step Guide

There are a few difficulties that come with trying to remove slime from a blanket. First, slime is often very sticky, so it can be hard to get it off of surfaces.

Second, slime can be hard to see, so you may not realize it is there until it is too late. Third, slime can be hard to reach, so you may need to use a vacuum cleaner or other tool to get it out.

Finally, slime can be staining, so you may need to use a special cleaner or treatment to remove it.
But you don’t have to fear the possible difficulties that may arise during slime removal, as our guide will tell you how to get slime out of a blanket easily and effectively.

How to Remove Slime From Blankets?
Getting slime out of a blanket can be very difficult, and sometimes it can seem like an impossible task, so we have prepared some effective tips for you.
First, try to scrape off as much of the slime as you can with a blunt object, like a butter knife.
If the slime is dry, you can try vacuuming it.
If the slime is wet, you can try blotting it with a dry towel.
If the slime is really stuck on, you can try soaking the blanket in a mixture of warm water and laundry detergent. Let it soak for a few hours, then scrub the slime off with a brush.
If all else fails, you can always try sending the blanket to a professional cleaner.

How to Get Slime Out of Comforter: Step-By-Step Instruction

comforter with slime

It is very unpleasant to find mucus on your comforter. Slime is one of those things that seems to get everywhere, and it can be hard to get rid of. But don’t worry, there are several ways to get the slime out of your blanket.

Using vinegar

How to get slime out of fabric? Look no further than vinegar! Vinegar is a great way to remove slime from a blanket and is also gentle enough to not damage the fabric. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Scrape off the excess slime from the blanket

A butter knife can work well for this. If the slime is dried on, you may need to soak the blanket in warm water for a few minutes to soften it up.

Step 2: Apply vinegar to the slime-stained areas of the blanket

After you have removed as much slime as possible, it’s time to start cleaning with vinegar.
Spray a solution of white vinegar and water in the ratio of 1/3 and 2/3, respectively, on the dirty areas of the fabric and leave it for 10 minutes. Then use a soft brush to scrub off the dirt.

Step 3: Wash the blanket in the washing machine to remove a vinegar

Once you’ve gotten all the slime out, be sure to wash the blanket in your washing machine to remove any vinegar residue. And that’s it. Your blanket will be good as new, and you can rest easy knowing that the slime is gone.

Brute force

yellow comforter with slime

There are a few ways to get slime out of a blanket, but one of the most effective is to use brute force. This means scraping and picking at the slime until it’s all gone.

Step 1: Scrape off the excess slime from the blanket

It’s important to catch the slime early, as it’s easier to remove when it’s fresh. Scrape off as much slime as you can with your hands or a blunt object, then run the slime back over the blanket to collect any smaller bits.

Step 2: Pick the rest out of the fabric

Once you’ve got most of the slime off, put it away and use your fingers to pick out the rest from within the fabric. You may be tempted to put the blanket through the washing machine, but this will only spread the slime and make a bigger mess.

Using dishwashing soap

Slime is icky, there’s no denying that. But sometimes, you or your kids end up with slime on clothing or other fabric items. If that happens, don’t despair – dishwashing soap can come to the rescue.

Here’s how to use dishwashing soap to get slime out of a blanket:

Step 1: Pour warm water into a bowl or bucket

Add a generous amount of dishwashing soap and stir to create a soapy solution.

Step 2: Dip a paper towel or clean cloth into the solution

Use it to scrub the slime off the blanket. You may need to use some elbow grease, but the dishwashing soap should break up the slime.

Step 3: Rinse the blanket by running it under water

hand washing

You may want to wash the entire blanket in the washing machine to make sure all the slime is removed.
And that’s it. Using dishwashing soap is an easy and effective way to get slime out of a blanket.

Ice сubes

If you are looking for a way to clear the slime from your blanket, one option is to use ice cubes. This method will help freeze the slime, making it easier to peel off.

Step 1: Freeze the water

First, fill an ice cube tray with water and let it freeze.

Step 2: Use ice cubes

Once you have the ice cubes, place them on the spot where the slime is. The ice cubes will freeze the slime, which will keep it from soaking deeper into the blanket. This will make it easier to peel off with your fingers.

Step 3: Use vinegar

You can also use vinegar after freezing the slime to remove it more effectively.

Using laundry detergent

Want to get the slime out of your blanket? You may not need to look any further than laundry detergent! Many laundry detergents contain enzymes that can break down the mucus proteins in the slime, making it much easier to remove.

Step 1: Prepare to remove slime

Place the blanket over a sink or bucket. This will keep the slime and laundry detergent away, so it’s not a mess.

Step 2: Removing the slime

Pour a capful of laundry detergent over the slime and rub it with a damp paper towel or rag. The detergent will break down the slime and make it easier to remove.

Step 3: Rinse the blanket

Rinse the blanket with warm water. Gently rub it with your hands to remove any slime or detergent residue.


Step 4: Dry the blanket

Place the blanket in the dryer. The heat will help get any remaining stains out and make sure the slime is completely removed.
With these simple steps, you can easily remove slime from your blanket using laundry detergent.

Rubbing alcohol

Looking for an easy way to get slime out of a blanket? Try using rubbing alcohol! All you need is a clean cloth and some rubbing alcohol, and you can say goodbye to that pesky slime.

Step 1: Prepare to remove slime

To remove slime from a blanket, firstly, lay the blanket flat on a surface. Blotting the slime with a paper towel to absorb as much of it as possible.

Step 2: Removing the slime

Wet the cloth with rubbing alcohol. Then, blot the slime with the cloth until it comes up. You may have to repeat this process several times to remove all the slime.

Step 3: Dry the blanket

Once the slime is gone, wash the blanket as usual. The rubbing alcohol will help to remove any lingering slime residue and leave your blanket looking and smelling fresh!

Washing machine

If your blanket has been slimmed, don’t worry. There are ways to get the slime out using a washing machine.

Step 1: Removing the slime

You need to try to remove as much slime as possible. Otherwise, it will get into the washing machine and ruin it. When the bulk of the stain is removed and only what’s left is absorbed into the fabric, you can safely put the item in the washing machine.

Step 2: Wash the blanket in the washing machine

vertical washing machine

Apply the detergent directly to the stain, then pour another batch of the detergent into the machine to start it up. Wash only the blanket. Do not put other clothes in the machine when washing a slime-covered blanket. Otherwise, the slime may attach to the other clothes.

Step 3: Dry the blanket

After the wash is complete, remove the blanket and inspect the stain. If necessary, run another cycle. If the stain is no longer there, you can put it in the dryer. Your blanket is free of slime.

How to Get Dried Slime Out of Blanket?

Slime is one of the most popular toys for kids, but it can also be one of the most frustrating to clean up. If you’ve ever had to deal with dried slime on a blanket, you know how difficult it can be to remove. But don’t worry, there are a few simple steps you can take to get that slime out of your blanket for good:

  1. First, start by vacuuming up as much of the dried slime as you can. If the slime is really dried on, you may need to use a vacuum with a brush attachment to loosen it up. Once you’ve vacuumed up as much as you can, it’s time to start working on the remaining slime.
  2. Next, mix up a solution of one part dish soap and two parts warm water. Wipe the stain with a soapy solution using a clean white cloth.
  3. Once you’ve scrubbed away as much of the slime as possible, it’s time to rinse the area with clean water. Use a sponge or cloth to remove any soap residue, and then blot the area dry with a towel.


How to remove slime from a blanket without vinegar?

If you don’t have vinegar on hand, there are a few other ways you can remove slime from your blanket.
One way is to use dish soap and warm water. Mix the two together and gently scrub the slime off of your blanket. If the slime is proving to be difficult to remove, you can also use a soft-bristled brush to help loosen it.

Another way to remove slime is to use laundry detergent. Simply wet the affected area and apply some detergent. Rub it in gently and then rinse with warm water.


How to get slime out of a fleece blanket?

First, remove any excess slime from the blanket with your hands. If the slime is dried, you may need to use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to remove it.
Next, soak the entire blanket in a tub of warm water and laundry detergent.

Be sure to use a mild detergent so as not to damage the fabric. Let the blanket soak for at least 30 minutes.
After soaking, rinse the blanket in clean water. You may need to rinse it several times to remove all the detergent.
Finally, wash the blanket in your washing machine on a gentle cycle.

Use cold water and avoid using fabric softener, as this can make the slime harder to remove.

How to get slime out of a fuzzy blanket?

First, start by blotting up as much of the slime as possible with a clean cloth. Then make a solution of one part vinegar and three parts water. Using a clean cloth, sponge the solution onto the slime stain and let it sit for a few minutes.
Then, using a clean toothbrush, scrub the stain gently to loosen the slime. Finally, rinse the area with clean water and let the blanket air dry.

What is the best way to remove slime from a blanket?

There are a few ways that you can remove slime from a blanket, but the best way is to use rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol will break down the slime and make it easy to remove. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to remove the slime.

hand slime grey blanketAlso read:


If your blanket has been slimmed, don’t worry! There are several things you can do to remove slime. First, try to remove as much of the slime as possible with your hands. If the slime is dry, you can try using a vacuum to suck it up. If the slime is wet, you can blot it with a paper towel or a rag.

Once you’ve removed as much of the slime as possible, you can put your blanket in the washing machine.
We hope that our article will help you rid your favorite blanket of slime. If you still have questions about cleaning your blanket of slime, ask them below in the comments.


  • Slime –
  • Vinegar (Uses for Vinegar: Doing Laundry) –
  • Clothing (Clothing and footwear industry) –

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