How to Wash a Wool Blanket: Step-by-Step Guide

wool-blanket and washing machine
» Blankets Guides » How to Wash a Wool Blanket: Step-by-Step Guide

A wool blanket provides warmth and comfort, and it can last for many years with proper care. Over time, however, dirt, dust, and other debris can accumulate on the blanket, making it stained and less comfortable to use. Washing a wool blanket regularly helps to remove these contaminants and restore the blanket to its original condition.

It is important to wash a wool blanket correctly to maintain its shape and integrity. Wool is prone to shrinkage, so you should use a gentle cycle and cold water when washing a wool blanket.
In this article, you will learn how to clean a wool blanket correctly.

Washing Wool Blanket
  1. By following these steps, you can easily wash a wool blanket by hand:
  2. Fill the sink or tub with cold or warm water and add a mild detergent that is safe for wool.
  3. Gently stir the blanket in the water to clean it. Do not rub or scrub; this can damage the fibers.
  4. Rinse the blanket in cool water until the water is clear.
  5. Gently wring out any excess water and wrap the blanket in a towel to remove even more moisture.
  6. Spread the blanket out to dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight, which may discolor the fibers.

Can You Wash Wool Blankets?

different grey wool blankets

You can wash a wool blanket, but you need to be careful. Wool is a delicate fabric and can shrink if not washed properly. Use a gentle cycle on your washing machine and cold water. You can also hand wash your wool blanket if you are careful.

How Often to Clean a Wool Blanket?

Wool blankets are very easy to care for. Wool is a natural fiber and does not need to be washed as often as synthetic materials. Some recommendations state that it is best to wash wool blankets no more often than every three months.
However, if your blanket starts to look or smell dirty much earlier, it’s probably time for a wash.

What You’ll Need for Cleaning a Wool Blanket?

You will need a soft-bristled brush, a clean cloth, a washing machine, wool-safe detergent, and either club soda or a mixture of distilled vinegar and water. You may also want to use a drying rack and soft bath towels to help with drying, and an iron and pressing cloth if you need to press the blanket.

How to Wash a Wool Blanket: Step-By-Step Instruction

Since it is very important to wash wool blankets correctly, we have prepared for you wool washing instructions.

Step 1: Shake the blanket

If your wool blanket looks a little worse than usual, you can try shaking it to see if that helps. First, take one end of the blanket in each hand. Then shake the blanket vigorously to shake off any dirt and debris that may have stuck to it.
Hang the blanket in a well-ventilated place to let it air out before using it again.
Also, before washing the blanket, be sure to shake it to remove any clinging debris.

Step 2: Brush wool blankets

wool blanket and brush

To clean a wool blanket, start by placing it on a clean surface. Then use a soft-bristle brush to gently brush the blanket in one direction. To avoid damaging the fibers, brush each stroke in the same direction.
Dry cleaning is the best way to clean wool blankets and keep them looking like new.

Step 3: Clean stains

If there are stains on a wool blanket, they should be treated gently with either a mild detergent, baking soda, or vinegar solution.
To prepare the solution, mix 1/3 cup distilled white vinegar with 2/3 cup water. Pour the area with the stain with the prepared solution and gently wipe with a clean cloth.

Step 4: Soak the blanket in cold water

Soaking a blanket in cold water is an important part of the cleaning process. It helps remove dirt or stains that may be on the blanket. Wool is a delicate material, so it is important to use cold water and a detergent that is safe for wool.
Soaking the blanket for 15 minutes will help keep it clean and fresh.

Step 5: Wash for a couple of minutes

Washing a wool blanket in a couple of minutes is easy. First, turn the washing machine on a gentle cycle. Then let the cycle run for two minutes. After that, cancel the cycle and switch it to the rinse cycle. Finally, allow the rinse cycle to finish.
If stains appear on the fabric, run the blanket through another rinse cycle.

Step 6: Roll the blanket in a towel

blanket in roll

Rolling the blanket in a towel is an effective way to remove excess moisture from the blanket. This will help to preserve the shape of the wool and prevent it from becoming ruined.
Use as many towels as necessary to absorb all of the water. Do not wring out the blanket, as this could damage it.

Step 7: How to dry wool blanket

Wool blankets can take a while to dry, especially if they are damp or wet. The best way to dry a wool blanket is to hang it up on a clothesline or over a door. You can also put it on a drying rack or a non-rusting shower or towel bar.
If you put the wool blanket in the dryer, it may shrink.

How to Iron Woolen Clothes?

To iron woolen clothes, start by setting the iron to the wool setting. If you do not have a wool setting, set the iron to the lowest setting which will still allow you to remove wrinkles. Place a pressing cloth over the woolen garment. Press the iron onto the pressing cloth, using a light touch.
Do not press the iron onto the woolen fabric itself. Once the wrinkles are gone, turn the garment over and press the other side.

Storing a Wool Blanket

wool blanket on shelf

When storing a wool blanket, it is important to protect it from pests and dampness. Naphthalene was traditionally used to keep insects from damaging the wool fibers, but this method left a persistent and unpleasant smell that permeated the blanket and the entire room.
Instead, store the wool blanket in a tightly closed container or in a tight plastic bag.

If pests are bothering you, add some cedar shavings or bars. Cedar wood is a natural remedy for flying insects and a good alternative to mothballs. By following these simple precautions, you can be sure that your wool blanket will stay in good condition for years to come.

How to Care For a Wool Blanket?

Wool is an excellent material for blankets because it is warm, durable, and naturally breathable. However, wool blankets require special care to keep them looking their best. Here are a few tips for wool blanket care:

  • always store your wool blanket in a cool, dry place;
  • avoid exposing your wool blanket to direct sunlight, as this can cause fading;
  • when washing your wool blanket, use cold water. Never use hot water, as this can shrink the fibers;
  • it is best to dry the blanket in the fresh air;
  • if your wool blanket starts to pill, gently remove the pills with a lint roller or a damp cloth.

Additional Tips

washing machine and wash

In addition to following the care instructions on the label, there are a few additional tips you can follow to keep your wool blanket in good condition:

  • use a mild detergent when washing, and avoid using any fabric softeners;
  • if possible, air dry your blanket instead of putting it in the dryer. If you do need to use the dryer, set it to the lowest heat setting;
  • when storing your wool blanket, be sure to protect it from moths by wrapping it in a cotton sheet or placing it in a storage bag with a moth repellent.


Can you wash a wool blanket in the washing machine?

You can wash a wool blanket in the washing machine, but you need to use the gentle cycle and cold water. You should also use a mild detergent and avoid using fabric softener.

Can you dry a wool blanket?

You can dry a wool blanket, but it will shrink if not done correctly. When wool is exposed to high temperatures, the fibers shrink, causing the fabric to shrink.
When drying wool, if you are using a dryer, it is best to use a low temperature and avoid direct sunlight if you are air drying a wool blanket.

What temp to wash wool blankets?

As a general rule, wool blankets should be washed on a cool or cold wash. The best temperature for washing wool blankets is 30ºC/80ºF or lower. It is also important to use a gentle or delicate mode.

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Wool blankets are a popular choice for many people because of their durability and beauty.
One important step in caring for wool blankets is to clean them regularly. This will help to remove stubborn dirt and maintain the appearance of the blanket.

The most important thing is to properly care for your wool blanket so you don’t ruin it. We hope that our guide will help maintain the beauty of your wool blanket.
If you still have questions or have a negative experience with washing a wool blanket, leave a comment below.


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