What Can I Spray on My Mattress to Effectively Kill Fleas?

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Are you wondering what you can spray on your mattress to quickly and effectively kill fleas? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll provide you with insight into what you can spray on your mattress to quickly kill fleas and provide you with relief from this irritating infestation. Keep reading to find out more about what you can spray on your mattress to quickly kill fleas!

Causes of Fleas on Mattress

Causes Of Fleas On Mattress

  • Pets: Fleas can be brought into the home on pets, including cats and dogs.
  • Wild Animals: Fleas can be found in the fur of wild animals, such as raccoons and opossums.
  • Rodents: Rodents, such as mice and rats, can carry and spread fleas.
  • Humans: Fleas can be transferred from person to person, especially in areas with large populations of people and animals.

Fleas can be found anywhere in the home, and mattresses are no exception. Fleas can hide in the seams of mattresses, in the cracks and crevices, and in the bedding. Fleas can also be brought into the home on clothing, furniture, and other items. Knowing how to get rid of fleas on mattress is essential for maintaining a healthy home.

Prevention of Fleas on Mattress

Prevention Of Fleas On Mattress

The best way to keep your mattress free of fleas is to prevent them from entering it in the first place. Firstly, regularly vacuum your mattress, paying special attention to the seams, crevices and folds. This will help to remove any flea eggs and larvae that may have found their way onto the mattress surface. Secondly, keep your pet clean and groomed by regularly washing and combing them, and use a flea collar to help prevent fleas from spreading. Thirdly, wash bedding and other linens regularly, especially if you have pets who sleep on the bed. Finally, use flea sprays or powders to help kill any fleas that may have made their way onto the mattress. By following these steps, you can help prevent how to get rid of fleas in bed mattress and keep your mattress free of fleas.

How to Identify Fleas on Mattress

How To Identify Fleas On Mattress

Fleas are small insects that feed on the blood of their host. They can be difficult to spot, but there are a few tell-tale signs that can help you identify them. Fleas are usually found in the seams, tufts, and crevices of mattresses. Here are some ways to identify them:

  • Look for flea droppings: Flea droppings are small black or red specks that can be found on the mattress. To confirm that the droppings are from fleas, place them on a wet paper towel and wait a few minutes. If the specks turn reddish-brown, then it is flea droppings.
  • Check for flea eggs: Flea eggs are very small and white in color. You can find them in the seams and crevices of the mattress. To confirm their presence, look closely and use a magnifying glass.
  • Check for flea larvae: Flea larvae can be white or yellow in color, and they usually move in a looping pattern. They feed on organic material found in the mattress, such as dead skin cells and other debris.
  • Look for adult fleas: Adult fleas are dark brown or black in color and can jump up to 8 inches. To spot them, you will need to look closely at the mattress and use a magnifying glass.

If you have identified fleas on your mattress, you will need to take action to get rid of them. Many people opt for chemical sprays, but there are also natural methods for how to get fleas out of mattress such as vacuuming, washing the mattress, and using flea traps.

Home Remedies to Kill Fleas on Mattress

Home Remedies To Kill Fleas On Mattress

Fleas can be persistent pests that can easily infest your mattress and other areas of your home. Fortunately, there are several home remedies that can help you quickly get rid of fleas from your mattress.

Vacuum your mattress: Vacuuming your mattress regularly can help remove fleas and their eggs. Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to thoroughly vacuum the entire mattress, including the seams and crevices. Discard the vacuum bag immediately after use.

Steam Clean your mattress: Steam cleaning your mattress can also help to kill fleas and their eggs. Use a steam cleaner to clean the mattress, paying particular attention to seams and crevices.

Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda generously on your mattress and let it sit for several hours. Vacuum the mattress after a few hours to remove the baking soda and any fleas that may be present.

Diatomaceous Earth: Diatomaceous earth is a natural product that can help to kill fleas on your mattress. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on your mattress, paying particular attention to seams and crevices. Let it sit for several hours before vacuuming to remove the product and any fleas present.

Essential Oils: Essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus can help to repel fleas from your mattress. Dilute a few drops of the essential oil of your choice in water and spray it on your mattress.

By using these home remedies, you can quickly and effectively get rid of fleas from your mattress and ensure a flea-free sleeping environment.

Natural Methods to Kill Fleas on Mattress

Natural Methods To Kill Fleas On Mattress

  • Vacuum: Vacuuming your mattress regularly is one of the best ways to get rid of fleas. Vacuuming will suck up any eggs or larvae that have been laid, removing them from your mattress.
  • Steam Cleaning: Steam cleaning your mattress is also an effective way to kill fleas. The high temperature of the steam will kill any eggs or larvae on the mattress, as well as adult fleas.
  • Baking Soda: Sprinkling baking soda on your mattress can help to get rid of fleas. Leave the baking soda on your mattress for at least an hour before vacuuming it off.
  • Diatomaceous Earth: Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder that can be used to kill fleas. Sprinkle the powder on your mattress, leave it for a few hours, and then vacuum it up.
  • Essential Oils: Certain essential oils can be used to repel fleas from your mattress. Lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus oils can all be used to help keep fleas away.

Chemical Options to Kill Fleas on Mattress

Chemical Options To Kill Fleas On Mattress

  • Insecticide Sprays – Insecticide sprays such as permethrin and pyrethrum are effective against fleas. Spray the mattress thoroughly and leave to dry. Repeat every two days for two weeks for full effectiveness.
  • Insect Growth Regulators – Insect growth regulators such as methoprene and pyriproxyfen are effective against fleas in the egg, larval, and pupal stages of development. Spray the mattress thoroughly and leave to dry. Repeat every two days for two weeks for full effectiveness.
  • Dusts – Dusts such as diatomaceous earth and silica aerogel are effective against fleas. Sprinkle the dust onto the mattress and leave to dry. Repeat every two days for two weeks for full effectiveness.

DIY Solutions to Kill Fleas on Mattress

Diy Solutions To Kill Fleas On Mattress

Vacuuming – Vacuuming your mattress is one of the best ways to get rid of fleas. Regular vacuuming will suck up both adult fleas and their eggs, and help reduce the flea population.

Steam Cleaning – Steam cleaning is a highly effective way to kill fleas on your mattress. Use a handheld steamer and steam clean the mattress, paying special attention to the seams and folds.

Diatomaceous Earth – Diatomaceous earth is a powder made from microscopic algae fossils. It is a natural flea killer, as it is abrasive and cuts the flea’s exoskeleton, killing them. Sprinkle the powder over your mattress, and wait 8-12 hours before vacuuming it up.

Essential Oils – Essential oils like lavender, citronella, and tea tree oil can be used as natural flea repellents. Mix a few drops of the oil with water, and spray it directly on your mattress. Reapply the solution every few days.

Baking Soda – Baking soda is another effective natural flea killer. Sprinkle baking soda over your mattress, and wait 8-12 hours before vacuuming it up. The baking soda will absorb oils and moisture from the fleas, and kill them.

Wash Bedding – Regularly wash your bedding in hot water to remove any fleas or eggs that might be hiding in the fabric. Use a hot cycle setting, and add a flea-killing insecticide to the wash.

Professional Solutions to Kill Fleas on Mattress

Using professional solutions to get rid of fleas on your mattress is the most effective way to eliminate them. Professional treatments use insecticides that are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are designed specifically for flea control.

The most popular professional products are sprays and foggers. Sprays can be used directly on the mattress and surrounding area to kill fleas and their eggs. Foggers work by releasing an insecticide gas into the air that kills fleas on contact. When using a fogger, make sure to follow the instructions carefully to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Another professional solution is an insecticide powder. Apply the powder to the mattress and surrounding area and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming. This will help to kill any fleas, larvae, and eggs that are present.

Finally, steam cleaning your mattress is another good solution to kill fleas. The high heat of the steam kills fleas and their eggs on contact. Make sure to use a vacuum cleaner to remove any dead fleas or eggs that are left behind.

These professional solutions are the most reliable way to get rid of fleas on your mattress. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and be aware of any potential risks that may be associated with the product you are using.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of spray should I use to quickly kill fleas on my mattress?

To quickly kill fleas on your mattress, use an insecticide spray that contains permethrin or pyrethrin as the active ingredient. Spray the insecticide onto the mattress and leave it to dry thoroughly before using it again. It is important to follow the instructions on the packaging. If the infestation is severe, consider using an insect growth regulator (IGR) to prevent flea eggs from hatching.

How can I make sure that I am protecting my mattress against future flea infestations?

Regular Vacuuming: Vacuuming your mattress on a regular basis can help to prevent future flea infestations. Vacuuming removes flea eggs and larvae, reducing the chances of a re-infestation.

Use a Mattress Protector: Mattress protectors can act as a barrier between your mattress and the fleas. Make sure to choose a mattress protector that is waterproof and dust mite resistant.

Keep Pets Away from Bed: To prevent fleas from entering your bed, keep your pets off the bed and out of the bedroom. Fleas can easily jump from animals to your bed, so it is important to keep them away.

Wash Bedding Regularly: To remove any fleas or eggs that may have entered your bed, make sure to wash your bedding on a regular basis. Use hot water and high heat to kill any fleas or eggs that may have managed to get into your bedding.

Use Flea Repellents: There are several natural flea repellents you can use to keep fleas away from your mattress. These products can be sprayed onto your mattress and bedding to help keep fleas away.

Are there any natural remedies that I can use to quickly kill fleas on my mattress?

Yes, there are natural remedies that can help to quickly kill fleas on your mattress.

  • Vacuum the Mattress: Vacuuming your mattress is the first step to getting rid of fleas. Vacuuming helps to remove flea eggs, larvae, and adult fleas from the mattress.
  • Baking Soda: Baking soda can be used to kill fleas by creating a barrier on the mattress. Sprinkle baking soda on the mattress and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it off.
  • Diatomaceous Earth: Diatomaceous earth is a natural flea killer. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the mattress and let it sit for 24 hours before vacuuming it off.
  • Essential Oils: Essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus can be used to repel fleas. Mix a few drops of essential oil with water and spray the mixture onto the mattress.
  • Salt: Salt can be used to kill fleas by creating a hostile environment for them. Sprinkle salt on the mattress and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it off.

These natural remedies can help to quickly kill fleas on your mattress, but it is important to remember that they will not completely eliminate the problem. It is best to consult a professional pest control expert to get rid of a flea infestation.

What is the Best Way to Prevent Fleas from Returning to my Mattress?

Vacuuming and cleaning your mattress on a regular basis is the most effective way to prevent fleas from returning. Make sure to use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter that can capture fleas and their eggs. Additionally, treating your mattress with an insecticide such as boric acid or permethrin can provide long-term protection against fleas. Finally, encasing your mattress in an allergen-proof cover can help keep out fleas and other pests.

What Other Steps Should I Take to Ensure That My Mattress is Completely Free of Fleas?

Regularly vacuum your mattress and the surrounding area to pick up any fleas that may have survived the initial treatment. Wash your bedding, sheets, and pillowcases in hot water on a weekly basis and dry them in a hot dryer. You can also purchase a flea-proof mattress cover to ensure that fleas cannot enter your mattress. Finally, treat your pet regularly with a flea preventative and vacuum your home regularly.


Spraying borax or baking soda mixed with water on your mattress is an effective way to quickly kill fleas. Vacuuming your mattress regularly will help reduce the chances of a flea infestation, as will washing your bedding in hot water and drying on high heat. If the infestation is severe, contact a professional pest control company for assistance.


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