How to Get Yellow Stains Out of Your Mattress – An Easy Guide

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Are you looking for a solution to how to get yellow stains out of your mattress? Yellow stains on mattresses can be difficult to remove and can often seem like an impossible task. Fortunately, there are a few simple solutions that are easy to use, and really work to remove yellow stains from your mattress. In this article, we will explore how to get rid of yellow stains on your mattress using simple solutions that really work.

What Causes Yellow Stains on Mattresses?

What Causes Yellow Stains On Mattresses?

Yellow stains on mattresses are usually caused by sweat. Sweat is composed of water, proteins, and oils and it can easily soak into the fibers of a mattress, leaving behind yellow stains. Sweat stains are most common on mattresses that are used for sleeping or napping, or on mattresses that are covered up with a sheet or blanket for a long period of time.

Other causes of yellow stains on mattresses include:

  • Urine: Urine stains can be difficult to remove. Urine contains proteins, fats, and other substances that can easily be absorbed by the mattress fibers.
  • Fecal matter: Fecal matter can also cause yellow stains on mattresses. The fecal matter can be absorbed into the mattress fibers, leaving behind stains.
  • Food and beverage stains: Food and beverages can leave behind yellow stains on mattresses, especially if they are left unattended for a long period of time.

In order to remove sweat stains from mattresses, it is important to use a mattress stain remover that is specifically designed for sweat stains. These products are designed to remove sweat stains without damaging the mattress fibers or discoloring the fabric. Additionally, it is important to use the product as soon as the stain is noticed, as the longer the stain remains, the harder it will be to remove.

Sweat Stains

Sweat Stains

  • Sweat stains are caused by sweat and body oils that have been absorbed into the mattress fabric over time.
  • Sweat stains can cause yellow, brown, or even black spots on your mattress.
  • The best way to prevent sweat stains is to wash your sheets and pillowcases regularly and use a mattress protector.
  • If you already have sweat stains on your mattress, it is important to act quickly and use the right cleaning products.
  • To get water stain out of mattress, mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and warm water and use a clean cloth to gently scrub the affected area.
  • You can also use a natural stain remover such as baking soda or hydrogen peroxide.
  • For stubborn stains, you may need to repeat the process several times.
  • If the stain is still present after cleaning, you can try using a steam cleaner to remove the remaining stains.

Water Stains

Water Stains

Water stains can occur on mattresses due to liquids spilling onto the mattress surface. To get rid of these stains, you’ll need to act quickly. Start by using a clean, dry cloth to blot up as much of the liquid as possible. Then, use a mild detergent to spot clean the stained area. After cleaning, use another dry cloth to absorb any excess moisture. Finally, allow the mattress to air dry. If the stain persists, use a mild bleach solution to lighten the stain.

It’s important to note that water stains can be caused by more than just liquids spilling onto the mattress surface. Frequent wetting and drying of the mattress can also cause water stains. This is why it’s important to keep mattresses dry and to use a mattress protector or cover to prevent water damage. Doing so will help prevent yellow stains from developing in the first place and keep your mattress looking like new.

General Wear and Tear

Why do mattresses get stained? Mattresses are not immune to the daily wear and tear that comes with use. Over time, due to factors like sweat, body oils, and other liquids, yellow stains can start to appear on the surface of the mattress. These stains can be difficult to remove, but with a few simple solutions, you can get rid of them quickly and easily.

Solution Instructions
Baking Soda Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide and apply to the stain. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then vacuum the mixture off.
Dish Soap Mix 1/2 cup of dish soap with warm water and apply to the stain. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then blot it off with a damp cloth.
Vinegar Mix 1/2 cup of white vinegar with 1/2 cup of warm water and apply to the stain. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then blot it off with a damp cloth.
Borax Mix 1/2 cup of borax with 1/4 cup of warm water and apply to the stain. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then vacuum the mixture off.

If none of these solutions work, you may need to replace your mattress. Over time, mattresses can start to show signs of wear and tear, so if you are noticing yellow stains, it may be time to purchase a new one.

Simple Solutions That Really Work

Simple Solutions That Really Work

  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water together and apply directly to the stain with a clean cloth.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on the stain and let it sit for at least an hour. Vacuum it up to remove the yellow stain.
  • Mix hydrogen peroxide and water together and apply directly to the stain. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then clean it off with a cloth.
  • Mix one part lemon juice with two parts water and apply directly to the stain. Let it sit for an hour and then clean off with a cloth.
  • For tougher stains: Create a paste of baking soda and water and apply directly to the stain. Let it sit for an hour and then clean it off with a cloth.

The above simple solutions can help you to safely and effectively get rid of yellow stains on your mattress. These solutions are easy to use and require very few ingredients that are likely already in your home. They are also safe for all types of mattresses, so you can rest assured that you won’t damage your mattress while trying to get rid of the stain. So, if you’re looking for an easy and effective way to remove yellow stains from your mattress, give these simple solutions a try!

Spot Cleaning with Detergent

Spot Cleaning With Detergent
To get yellow stains out of your mattress, spot clean with detergent. Use 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent with 2 cups of warm water. Dip a cloth in the mixture and rub the stain gently. Rinse the cloth in clean water and continue to dab the area until the stain is completely gone. When you are finished, blot the area with a dry cloth to remove any remaining moisture.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking soda is an effective way of removing yellow stains from mattresses. It helps to absorb odor and moisture and can also be used to help remove tough stains. To use baking soda, sprinkle it liberally over the stained area and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. After that, vacuum up the baking soda. You may need to repeat this process several times to get rid of the yellow stain. For best results, use a vacuum with a brush attachment to help get the baking soda deep into the mattress fibers.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide

Getting rid of yellow stains on your mattress is easy with hydrogen peroxide. It has strong oxidizing powers that help to break down the proteins and oils that cause the yellowing. Here’s how to use it:

  • Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with one part water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the solution directly onto the yellow stains.
  • Let the solution sit on the stain for 10-15 minutes.
  • Blot the area with a clean cloth or towel.
  • Repeat the process until the yellow stains are gone.

Hydrogen peroxide is a great option for removing yellow stains from your mattress. It’s important to note that hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent, so it’s best to spot test it on an inconspicuous area before using it on the entire mattress.

White Vinegar

White Vinegar
White vinegar is an effective and natural way to remove yellow stains from your mattress. It is an easy, cost-effective, and safe solution to get rid of yellow stains from your mattress. To use white vinegar for this purpose, you will need to mix 1 part white vinegar with 1 part water and pour it onto the stain. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then blot it up with a clean cloth. You can also use a small brush to scrub the stain if needed. Repeat the process until the stain is gone. After that, use a clean cloth dampened with cold water to remove any residue. Lastly, let the mattress air dry completely before using it again.

White vinegar is a great option for removing yellow stains from mattresses because it is natural, does not contain any harsh chemicals, and is very effective. Furthermore, it is very easy to use and does not require the use of any additional cleaning products.



  • Place the mattress outside in the sun for several hours.
  • Allow the mattress to dry completely.
  • Repeat as needed until the yellow stains are gone.

Note: Sunlight can be an effective way to remove yellow stains from your mattress, but be mindful of the weather. Too much rain or too much sunlight can damage your mattress.

Professional Cleaning

  • Steam Cleaning: Steam cleaning is an effective method for removing yellow stains from mattresses. It uses high-temperature steam to kill dust mites and other allergens, while also breaking down the yellow stain. Professional steam cleaning services can be hired to clean your mattress, which will ensure that the job is done properly and with the right equipment.
  • Dry Cleaning: Dry cleaning is another way to get rid of yellow stains from mattresses. It is a process of using chemicals to break down the stain and then using a vacuum to remove it. It is important to note that dry cleaning does not kill allergens, so it is best used in combination with steam cleaning.
  • Spot Cleaning: Spot cleaning is a process of using a combination of soap and water to remove yellow stains from mattresses. It is important to note that spot cleaning should only be used on small stains, as it can cause further damage to the mattress if used on larger stains. It is best to consult a professional cleaner before attempting spot cleaning.
  • Oxygen Bleach: Oxygen bleach is another way to get rid of yellow stains from mattresses. It is a mild bleach that is safe to use on most fabrics. It works by breaking down the stain and then using a vacuum to remove it. It is important to note that oxygen bleach should not be used on wool or synthetic fabrics.
  • Enzyme Cleaners: Enzyme cleaners are a type of cleaner specifically designed to remove yellow stains from mattresses. They work by breaking down the stain and then using a vacuum to remove it. They are safe to use on most fabrics and are effective at removing yellow stains from mattresses.

Professional cleaning is an effective way to remove yellow stains from mattresses. It is important to note that professional cleaning services should be hired to ensure that the job is done properly and with the right equipment. It is also important to note that it is best to use a combination of steam cleaning, dry cleaning, spot cleaning, oxygen bleach, and enzyme cleaners to get rid of yellow stains from mattresses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common causes of yellow stains on mattresses?

Yellow stains on mattresses are often caused by sweat, body oils, and urine. These materials can seep into the mattress, resulting in discoloration and musty odors. Additionally, dust mites and other pests can leave behind yellow stains, as well as mildew, mold, and other fungi. Allergens and pet dander can also contribute to yellow stains, as well as certain cleaning products, perfumes, and body lotions.

What Natural or Homemade Solutions Can Be Used to Remove Yellow Stains on Mattresses?

Mixing white vinegar with a little bit of salt and warm water is an effective way to remove yellow stains from mattresses. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the stain and let it sit for several hours before vacuuming it up. For more stubborn stains, mix a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the stain. Let the paste sit for 15-20 minutes before lightly scrubbing the area with a damp cloth. Hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice are also effective solutions for removing yellow stains from mattresses.

Is it necessary to treat yellow stains on mattresses with detergent or other cleaning products?

Yes, it is necessary to treat yellow stains on mattresses with detergent or other cleaning products for the following reasons:

  • Detergent or other cleaning products are effective in removing dirt, oil, and other substances from the mattress.
  • These products help to disinfect the mattress and prevent the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.
  • They also help to remove stubborn stains that may be difficult to remove with regular cleaning.
  • Cleaning products also help to protect the mattress from future stains.

It is important to use the right type of cleaning product for the type of mattress, as some products may damage the material. It is also important to follow the instructions on the product label to ensure safe and effective use.

Are there any methods of prevention to avoid yellow stains on mattresses?

To prevent yellow stains from forming, regular mattress cleaning is essential. Vacuum the mattress regularly to remove dust, dirt, and other debris, and consider using a mattress protector to minimize staining from sweat and other fluids. Mattress protectors are inexpensive and can be easily laundered. Additionally, ensure the mattress is well-ventilated, preferably in a cool and dry environment, as this will help reduce the risk of yellow staining.

Should I consult a professional cleaner if I cannot remove the yellow stains on my mattress?

If you have tried the home remedies listed in this article and the yellow stains remain, it is recommended to consult a professional cleaner. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action to take to remove the stains and restore the mattress. Professional cleaners have access to specialised treatments that are not available to the general public, so they may be able to save your mattress from further damage.


By following these simple steps, you can easily get rid of yellow stains on your mattress and keep it clean and hygienic. Regular maintenance and spot cleaning is key to keeping your mattress clean and in good condition. If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to keep your mattress looking like new for many years to come.


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