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Why Does My Air Mattress Keep Deflating? – Discover the Causes of Air Mattress Deflation and Solutions to Fix It.

» Mattresses » Mattress Care » Why Does My Air Mattress Keep Deflating? – Discover the Causes of Air Mattress Deflation and Solutions to Fix It.

Are you frustrated with your air mattress deflating and not staying inflated? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have experienced the same issue and are wondering why does my air mattress keep deflating? The good news is that, with a little bit of troubleshooting, it’s possible to identify the underlying issue and fix it. In this article, we’ll explore the common causes of air mattress deflation and provide you with tips on how to keep your air mattress inflated for longer.

Causes of Air Mattress Deflation

Causes Of Air Mattress Deflation

Poor Quality Air Mattress

Low quality air mattresses are more prone to deflation. Low quality materials may not be able to withstand the pressure of the air inside the mattress and can cause the mattress to deflate. It is important to buy a mattress of good quality to avoid frequent deflation.

Leaks in the Air Mattress

Leaks in the air mattress can lead to deflation. The most common cause of a leak is a puncture in the mattress. This can happen due to sharp objects, pets or just normal wear and tear. It is important to check the mattress for any punctures or holes and repair them as soon as possible. If the puncture is too big, the mattress may need to be replaced. Another common cause of deflation is a malfunctioning valve. If the valve is not functioning properly, air can escape and cause deflation. It is important to check the valve for any issues and replace it if necessary.

Signs of Leaks in Air Mattress

Signs Of Leaks In Air Mattress

1. Wet patches: One of the most obvious signs of a leak in an air mattress is wet patches. If you come across any wet patches on the mattress, it is likely that the bed is leaking air.

2. Deflating overnight: If you notice that your mattress is losing air overnight, then this is a sure sign that the mattress is leaking.

3. You can feel the leak: If you feel a certain area of the mattress is softer than the rest, then it is likely that the air is leaking from that spot.

4. Hissing sound: If you hear a hissing sound near the air mattress, then it is a definite sign of a leak.

5. Visible holes or tears: If you can see any visible holes or tears in the mattress, then it is likely that the mattress is leaking.

6. Low-quality material: If the material used to make the mattress is of a low quality, then it is more likely to tear easily and cause air leakage.

7. Old and worn-out mattress: With time, air mattresses tend to wear out and need to be replaced. If you have an old air mattress, then it is possible that it is leaking air.

8. Improper inflation: If the mattress is not properly inflated, then it is likely to leak air.

9. Poor seal: If the mattress has a poor seal, then the air can leak through it and cause the mattress to deflate.

10. Incompatible pump: If you are using an incompatible pump to inflate the air mattress, then it is possible that the mattress is not properly sealed and is leaking air.

Conclusion: If you are wondering why does my intex air mattress keeps deflating, then it is likely that the mattress is leaking air. Look out for the signs listed above to determine if your mattress is leaking air.

How to Find Air Leaks in the Air Mattress

How To Find Air Leaks In The Air Mattress

Visual Inspection

The first step in troubleshooting why your air mattress keeps deflating is to visually inspect it for any holes or tears. Look carefully around the seams, edges, and any folds or creases. If you find a hole, patch it using a repair kit or patch adhesive. If the hole is too big, you may need to replace the air mattress.

Submersion Method

Another way to find air leaks in an air mattress is the submersion method. Fill a bathtub or large basin with enough water to cover the mattress. Submerge the mattress and observe any bubbles that may appear. These bubbles indicate the location of an air leak. Once located, patch it with a repair kit or patch adhesive.

It’s important to remember how to keep air mattress from getting holes in the first place. Use a protective cover over the mattress and make sure to not overinflate it. Regularly inspect the mattress and patch any small holes you find. Taking these steps can help prevent more serious damage to the mattress.

How to Keep Air Mattress from Getting Holes

How To Keep Air Mattress From Getting Holes

Proper Care and Maintenance

Regularly inspect your air mattress for any signs of tears or punctures. Check for any signs of wear and tear, such as fraying fabric or unusual bulges or sagging. If any of these signs are present, you should take immediate action to repair the mattress.

Avoid Sharp Objects

Keep sharp objects away from your air mattress. This includes items such as scissors, knives, and other sharp objects. Even items such as jewelry, watches, and keys can cause punctures if left on the mattress while in use.

Repairing Air Leaks in Air Mattress

Repairing Air Leaks In Air Mattress
Finding the Leaks:

  • Inspect the air mattress for any visible holes, rips, or tears.
  • Mix a solution of 1 part dish soap and 2 parts water and brush it over the entire surface of the mattress.
  • Look for any bubbles to form where the solution is applied, which indicates a leak.
  • Mark the spot with a pen and then dry the area.

Repairing the Leaks:

  1. Using a patch kit, clean the area around the leak with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Cut the patch to fit over the hole, making sure to leave at least 1/2” of the patch extending beyond the hole.
  3. Press the patch down firmly and leave it to dry for at least 8 hours.
  4. Apply a second patch to ensure a stronger seal.

Re-inflating the Air Mattress

Re-Inflating The Air Mattress

  • Pressure Valve: All air mattresses have a pressure valve, which is used to regulate the amount of air in the mattress. In most cases, the pressure valve on an air mattress can be adjusted using a pump. Before attempting to re-inflate the mattress, make sure the pressure valve is open.
  • Air Pump: An air pump can be used to add air to the mattress. Most air mattresses come with a pump, but you can also purchase one separately. Make sure to follow the instructions on the pump carefully to avoid over-inflating the mattress.
  • Re-inflation Time: Depending on the size of the mattress, it can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes to re-inflate the mattress. Once the mattress is fully inflated, make sure to check the pressure valve to ensure that it is closed.
  • Air Loss: Over time, air mattresses can start to lose air due to normal wear and tear. If you notice that the mattress is losing air quickly, it is a good idea to check the pressure valve to make sure it is closed tight. You may also want to purchase an air pump to help maintain the proper air pressure in the mattress.

Prevention of Air Leaks in Air Mattress

The best way to prevent air mattress from leaking air is to use a high-quality air mattress and check it regularly for any signs of wear and tear. Ensure the mattress is correctly inflated and regularly check for any visible signs of punctures or tears. If the mattress is not correctly inflated, it is more prone to punctures and leaks. Additionally, it is advisable to place the mattress on a flat and even surface to prevent it from getting punctures.

It is also important to regularly clean and maintain the air mattress to avoid air leaks. Clean the mattress with a damp cloth and mild soap and remove any debris that may have collected on the surface. It is also recommended to use an air mattress protector to ensure the mattress remains in its best condition.

Finally, it is recommended to store the air mattress in a dry and cool place when not in use. Storing it in direct sunlight or in humid conditions can cause the material to degrade and become more prone to punctures and air leaks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Most Common Causes of Air Mattresses Deflating?

Leaks: Leaks in the air mattress are the most common cause of deflation. These can be punctures or pinholes that can be caused by sharp objects. Leaks can also be caused by poor quality or faulty seams.

Valve Issues: If the valve is not properly closed or is defective, the mattress will slowly deflate. It can also be affected by dirt or debris that prevents it from working properly.

Over-inflation: Over-inflating the mattress can cause it to eventually deflate as the material stretches and weakens.

Temperature: Extreme temperatures can cause a mattress to deflate as the air molecules in the mattress will expand or contract depending on the environment.

Time: Depending on the quality of the mattress and the amount of use, an air mattress may deflate over time as the material wears down.

How can I tell if the deflation is caused by a puncture or a leak?


  • Check for punctures –


    • Check the mattress for any visual signs of punctures, such as small holes or tears. Use a flashlight to look closely around the edges and seams of the mattress to look for any holes.


  • Check for air loss – If you cannot find any punctures, then it is likely that the deflation is caused by a slow leak. To check for air loss, inflate the mattress and leave it for a few hours or overnight. If it has deflated when you come back, then it is likely that the deflation is caused by a leak. 
  • Check for moisture – If you suspect that the air mattress is losing air due to a leak, then you should check for any signs of moisture. Look closely around the edges and seams of the mattress for any water droplets or dampness. 
  • Check for worn out parts – If you have been using the air mattress for a while, then it is possible that the deflation is caused by worn out parts. Check the valve, pump, and other parts for any signs of wear and tear.

If you are still not sure what is causing the deflation, then it is best to take the mattress to a professional who can diagnose the problem and find a solution.

How Can I Fix the Deflation Problem Without Having to Purchase a New Air Mattress?

There are a few simple solutions to try to fix your air mattress without having to purchase a new one. Make sure to check your air valve for any clogs or debris, as this can often be the source of the deflation problem. If that doesn’t work, try locating any leaks and patching them using a repair kit. If a patch doesn’t work, you can try using a sealant to patch the hole. Finally, if all else fails, you can try inflating the mattress to a higher pressure. If the mattress is still deflating, it may be time to purchase a new one.

Are there any preventive measures I can take to stop my air mattress from deflating?

To prevent your air mattress from deflating, check the mattress on a regular basis for leaks, holes, and punctures. Additionally, use a protective cover to guard against sharp objects, and use a deflation valve to release excess air when necessary. Also, use an air pump specifically designed for air mattresses, and avoid using high-powered pumps or vacuums to inflate or deflate the mattress.

Are There Any Specific Products I Can Use to Patch Up an Air Mattress Leak?

When it comes to fixing an air mattress leak, the best solution is to use a repair patch. These patches are specifically designed for repairing air beds, and are usually made from vinyl, canvas, or urethane. They are available in different sizes, so you can choose one that is appropriate for the size of the leak. You can apply the patch by following the instructions on the package and sticking it to the deflated area. In some cases, you may need to use a glue or adhesive to ensure the patch stays in place.


To prevent air mattresses from deflating, regularly check for holes and tears, replace the valves when needed, and make sure the bed is inflated to the proper size. If air is still escaping, try using a patch kit or contact the manufacturer for further assistance. With proper maintenance and care, an air mattress can provide a comfortable and restful sleep for years to come.


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